The "new" first day is here. It's so great to be back!
I finished this painting last night, and I'm very pleased with it. It's a painting of a blue tick coon hound, my very own Molly, with whom I shared many loving, though exasperating years. As is evident in her haughty pose, Molly was definitely "better than you," and she never for a moment let you forget it. I think her personality was more cat-like than dog. I adopted her while attending a local outdoor art show, where a dog-adoption organization had a public-service booth. She was found along the highway by a selfless volunteer whose entire life and income was spent rescuing and rehabilitating homeless dogs and cats. When found, one of her back legs was literally dangling behind her (she had been shot), and she appeared to be a walking skeleton (I saw photos of her when she was first found). A volunteer vet removed her leg and foster parents got her into physical shape. Her previous owner was located, a hunter, who claimed not to know how she was shot; I don't know if charges were ever filed against him, but they ought to have been. Perhaps from who knows what sort of awful experiences she had had in her short life (she was thought to be between one and two years old when I adopted her), perhaps because of her hound breed, she never did fully bond with me or any other human -- or anything for that matter. She was always aloof, distant, haughty, oh-so-beautiful, naughty (she ate I don't know how many shoes), and completely lovable. Even after several years of being without her, we miss her terribly but are also so glad to have been able to be a part of her life.
I present you: Molly. 8x10" on gessoed 1/8" thick hardboard, with black recessed 1.5" sides. $150.00, plus shipping costs, as usual available for purchase at my website,
http://www.dottiedracos.com/, on the originals page.